After years of being a people pleaser, juggling family, trying to be “super-mom”, volunteering, and more, one of the biggest gifts I have ever given myself is taking that leap to become a Certified Fearless Living Coach in 2017. As the mom of a childhood cancer survivor and moving 4 times across the country in the past 10 years, I understand what it is like when life throws you a huge curveball and how to dance your way through it. Sometimes it feels like you may be stuck in taking one step forward, or two steps back…yet we can turn it into a cha-cha-change instead! 

I am so grateful that I get to now spend my days helping my clients find the humor and gifts in any situation and get really clear on what they want and need to take their next steps forward (or sometimes to the side or back….it’s all about the dance!). Whether it is through one of my group programs, working directly with me, or through the positive messages and card readings that I love to share, it’s an honor to be able to sprinkle an abundance of sunshine, love, light (and sometimes a little fairy dust) out into the world. If you or someone you know could use a boost of positivity, abundance, laughter, or a cha-cha-change, I’d love to connect and help you put the “dance” in abundance!

Family life.

Mom of two teenagers (eek!), married to my husband Brian for almost 20 years, sister, daughter, friend, volunteer, coach, taxi-driver (not really, but it feels like it with all of my kids’ activities) and a ton of other “titles”. I’m a football mama, cheering my son on from the stands and loving getting to watch my daughter acting on stage or performing stand-up comedy.

Places I’ve Called “Home”

I grew up in Maryland and we have lived in 4 states in the past 10 years (Arizona, Oregon, Maryland and now California) as a family. We’ve moved often for my husband’s job. So thankful that my coaching practice is portable and that I primarily work with clients virtually! Our last move was cross country (Maryland → California) in the middle of the pandemic. Whew–that was a doozy in more ways than one!

In this together.

As a mom of a childhood cancer survivor, I spent 2018-2019 as a caregiver for my daughter while she went through chemo & radiation for rhabdomyosarcoma. Fortunately, it was caught early and she’s healthy and thriving! We’re advocates for the American Cancer Society’s #GoldTogether and Relay For Life, raising funds and awareness for childhood cancer research.

More FUN things…

  • Musical theater lover- loves to perform and sing. Although these days, it is mainly belting out Broadway tunes in my car and living room. I’ve been singing since I was little. 

  • Dog- mom to a sweet, little 14 lb rescue mutt who thinks she is a lot bigger than she actually is. Great with people, other dogs….not so much. 

  • Was a teacher and in hospitality for several years. Love being of service and making people smile.

  • Recovering people pleaser— learning how to say “no” was so powerful for me. It made my “yes” so much more meaningful

  • Starting a “swear jar” could be a great fundraiser in my household. ;)

I want you to know...

I want you to know...

I want you to know you have an advocate, cheerleader, and tough love when warranted, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are supported. To have someone to help you draw out the amazing-ness, strength, and wisdom ALREADY within you and to encourage you to look at the world through a different perspective. Not necessarily rose-colored glasses (pick whatever color you want), yet making the conscious choice to look at a situation through the lens of gratitude, and abundance and finding the gifts, even in the most challenging situations (or “shit-situations” as my daughter called it when she was going through cancer treatment). Finding the fricking rainbows after the storm (or even in the middle of it). 

There is a certain kind of magic that happens when you choose to see the world through a lens of abundance and possibilities….that it is FOR you, not against you. Kind of like having your magic fairy wand that you can wave around (I have a silly light-up one in my office, yet I digress). It isn’t a magical fix, but instead a series of choices, each moment, each day, and so on. You get to choose and I get the privilege of helping you unlock the magic already inside you. Cue the fairy dust and fairy godmother vibes but with a little more snark, sass, and effort on both of our parts. 

Let’s rediscover your inner child or teenager…you know the one with all of the dreams and hopes whose voice may have been drowned out by life’s shoulds and overwhelm piling on, and amplify that inner voice so you can learn more on what is really true for you, not the weight of other people’s expectations. You are worth it. 

I’ll cheer you on, celebrate your wins with you–no matter the size-, love you up, hold space for you to laugh, cry, vent, and share tools with you to create lasting change. I will also call you out when you are “shoulding” all over yourself, believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself, and support you in taking steps towards the life you have dreamed about. 

 It is never too late for a new beginning…so, what do you want the next chapter of your story to look like? I am so excited to encourage and support you along the way to making a cha-cha-change. 



Get started, today.